Thursday, 5 May 2016

Guest lecture on heart beat

Guest lecture by Ms. Rajni, another resource person from the medical department was present in the class to make student understand the method of counting heart beat with the help of our four fingers. Students also enjoyed of listening their own heart beat through stethoscope.

Involving community

IB believes in involving community, so a resource person from "SEN Department" was there in the class to make student understand the essential agreements to be follow and about how to empathise with the children having some difficulties.

Learning Dye mixing technique

Students engaged with visual art teacher to learn the technique of dye mixing. They thoroughly enjoyed the activity.

Empathy day

To inculcate the attitude of empathy , on empathy day, students made necklaces and sold it to the parents. Money collected through this will be given to the people in need. They understood that empathy means helping others.

Another game for place value

Another game for the concept of place value.