Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Different feeling & emotions through music

Finding out the meaning of Arts- School Tour

 Students understood the different forms of Arts during school tour. They understood that Physical education, dance and music also an integral part of it.

Different types of houses

Timeline- Houses

Guest lecture by SEN Department

The most significant part of organisation which efficiently handles & understands the feeling of the kids having special difficulties, is SEN Department. Ms. Shivani took a guest lecture to make students understand how to handle different feeling specially "Anger". 

Collage of different feeling & emotions

Students involved in making collage of different emotions & feeling. After that , they made different kinds of  faces according to different emotions  & feeling.

Provocation for UOI- 3 through Role play

To make learners understand the 
different emotions & feelings in
 our life, a role play is being done 
by the teachers to provoke them about
 the new unit " How we express ourselves". 
Children enjoyed
 a lot during the role play.